Christopher J Osborne

When all the world is green II

These abstract images were shot in various woodland areas in and around my home town of Edinburgh. They imagine a world in the far future where mankind has long since destroyed itself and plant lift once again reigns supreme.

These images were all created in camera using a combination of intentional camera movement and double exposure. The basics of this technique are very simple: just set a long shutter speed (generally somewhere between 0.5 and 5 seconds) and wave your camera around like a mad person while the shutter is open. Neutral density filters are often needed to get a slow enough shutter speed. Combining this technique with double exposures adds an extra layer of texture to the images.

This gallery has now been renamed "When all the world is green II" and it has been joined by what might be called a prequel gallery of images (called "When all the world is green I") that are somewhat less abstract and more recognisably trees.

When all the world is green II - Image 1 When all the world is green II - Image 2 When all the world is green II - Image 3 When all the world is green II - Image 4 When all the world is green II - Image 5 When all the world is green II - Image 6 When all the world is green II - Image 7 When all the world is green II - Image 8 When all the world is green II - Image 9 When all the world is green II - Image 10 When all the world is green II - Image 11 When all the world is green II - Image 12 When all the world is green II - Image 13 When all the world is green II - Image 14 When all the world is green II - Image 15 When all the world is green II - Image 16 When all the world is green II - Image 17 When all the world is green II - Image 18 When all the world is green II - Image 19 When all the world is green II - Image 20