E.Zuiko Auto-T 100mm f/3.5

Olympus Pen F E.Zuiko Auto-T 100mm f/3.5 mounted on an Olympus Pen F

Olympus Pen F E.Zuiko Auto-T 100mm f/3.5 mounted on a Sony A7 MkII

Olympus Pen F E.Zuiko Auto-T 100mm f/3.5
Cropping needed? No

100mm f/3.5 image 1 - OOC+EC

100mm f/3.5 image 1 - Cropped
Image size: 24mp
35mm equivalent focal length: 100mm

100mm f/3.5 image 1 - Final
Image size: 24mp
35mm equivalent focal length: 100mm

100mm f/3.5 image 2 - OOC+EC

100mm f/3.5 image 2 - Cropped
Image size: 24mp
35mm equivalent focal length: 100mm

100mm f/3.5 image 2 - Final
Image size: 24mp
35mm equivalent focal length: 100mm

100mm f/3.5 image 3 - OOC+EC

100mm f/3.5 image 3 - Cropped
Image size: 24mp
35mm equivalent focal length: 100mm

100mm f/3.5 image 3 - Final
Image size: 17.3mp
35mm equivalent focal length: 120mm

100mm f/3.5 image 4 - OOC+EC

100mm f/3.5 image 4 - Cropped
Image size: 24mp
35mm equivalent focal length: 100mm

100mm f/3.5 image 4 - Final
Image size: 24mp
35mm equivalent focal length: 100mm
The 100mm f/3.5 is one of the most common and least expensive Pen F lenses. It fille the same position in the Pen F line up that 135mm lenses fill in most full-frame systems (even thought the 35mm equiv. focal length is more list 140mm on half-frame). This lens does just about cover the full-frame, but only with heavy vignetting. But there is still image information right into imag corners, so the images don't actually need cropping if you're prepared to do some work. The vignetting slider in the Adobe Lightroom Lens Corrections panel doesn't quite do the job on it's own, even when set all the way to 100, an inverted radial mask is needed to get rid of the last bit of vignetting. I set up a presetting that removes all the vignetting in just one click.
Once the vingetting is removed the corners are actually quite sharp, unlike many of the other lenses in the "No crop required on full-frame, with some compromises" category which often have rather smeary and burry corners outside of the half-fram image area. Overall, if you're prepared to put in a bit of work removing vignetting, the Pen F 100mm f/3.5 actually makes a very nice 100mm lens on full-frame!